Art 301 – Week 4 Friday HW

Due next class:

  1. Box model exercise
  2. moodboard – at / create 1 moodboard – email me comments about moodzer
  3. precise wireframe of what you plan on having on their personal resume site.
  4. Comp of your resume site

    1024px container but you can make wider for background images. keep content within the 1024px. Work in RGB at DPI 72 and keep in mind fold – 768px tall

WATCH TUE/THU VIDEOS for my Version of todays class.
WEEK 4 VIDEO After Alex’s segment.

FILES FROM TODAY’s DEMO Videos about Floats:

More random notes:

# ID

one element on a html document


use multiple times on an html document



p {color:red;}

<p class=”red”>

.red {color:red;}

<h1 class=”red”>

<div class=”red”>

<h1> <h2>