Art 301 F / Week 1 Notes

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1. intro

2. syllabus

3. art 301 lecture / defining terms

4. HTML/CSS quiz

5. break

6. Email Marketing Design

Google W3Schools HTML Quiz

Take HTML Quiz

Google W3School CSS Quiz

Take CSS Quiz

1st Blog Assignment

email me url.

post samples of you work.

2nd Blog Assignment

1 sample each of the 9 types of interactive sites.

HW 1:

Design 3 Wireframes

then Design 3 Layouts

Email Marketing.


Performance Venue.


600 px wide x however tall

  • Header
  • One Feature Content
  • Two Small features/links
  • Footer
  • wireframes pdf or jpgs
  • comps jpgs


File Transfer Protocol

user: csunuser

pass: given in class.

File Naming

1. no uppercase – use lowercase

2. no spaces – use _ or –

3. no special characters

4. always file extension .html .jpg .pdf